
First day out from the nest

Cleethorpes In Bloom is fortunate to have support from all sections of the community. This ranges from the emergency services to our schools, business groups, churches and the individuals who enter the local In Bloom competition.

Through the mutual support gained by working with local community groups we have developed strong ties that allow us to publicise the work of these groups, celebrate milestones in their development as well as spreading the In Bloom message and developing horticulture. In 2008 we celebrated the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Boys Brigade with a traditional sea side floral emblem.


One of our most successful community groups is Daubney Street Neighbourhood Watch Sea End. They have developed from a group tackling anti-social behaviour within their street, to a true community. Having set themselves up as a constituted body and halted the worst offenders with the support of the Police and Community Wardens, they have set about raising funds to improve their environment by creating safe and tidy gated alleyways.

After removing 11 tons of rubbish with all of the community lending a hand, they have purchased seating, planters and play equipment for all to use and share. However, they have not stopped there and they now have a “handyman” team who help the residents maintain the gates and fencing as well as putting up hanging baskets. These are made available to all residents and they have also provided communal half baskets above the alleyway entrances and on the street lampposts.

This group have not only been successful in reducing crime and the anti-social behaviour of a minority they have created a real community who work and play together. Cleethorpes In Bloom has been pleased to be able to offer it’s support. The committee has provided large planters situated in areas that create parking issues and have also donated bricks so that one of the walls in the alleyways could be replaced and made safe. They have also entered our Local In Bloom Competition in the community group section.

If you community group would like to benefit from being involved with Cleethorpes In Bloom, or you’d like some advice on how to develop your own gardening project like Daubney Street Sea End then contact our In Bloom Coordinator, details on the contacts page.

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