
Aims and Benefits of Cleethorpes In Bloom

The aim of the In Bloom campaign is to encourage the improvement of our surroundings through the imaginative use of trees, shrubs, flowers and landscaping. It also aims to achieve a litter free and sustainable environment. This links directly to the Royal Horticultural Societies three key themes that are the basis of the regional and national competition, which are:

  1. Horticultural Achievement
  2. Community Participation
  3. Environmental Responsibility

By taking on board the above criteria and using the whole community from businesses to schools, our community can benefit from the following, which have been witnessed, in or own and other areas taking part in the In Bloom competitions:

  • Increase in civic pride through local people taking on the planning and management of their environment.
  • Long term improvement in their local environment through planting floral displays and improved cleanliness.
  • A boost to the local economy through increased tourism.
  • Regeneration of disadvantaged areas.
  • Stimulation of voluntary work and co-operation between community groups.
  • A means of addressing issues such as sustainability, recycling, minimising waste and conservation.



Cleethorpes In Bloom wishes to promote closer relationships with major industry and corporate groups. We hope to achieve this through a sponsorship package the benefits of which are listed below:

  • The opportunity to support a local campaign helping to promote tourism and the improvement of the North East Lincolnshire area. This helps to develop the local economy, provide employment and creates a positive image of the area as a dynamic and improving region.
  • Developing the attraction of the area for potential employees coming from more cosmopolitan towns and cities (the perceived image of an area is a contributory factor in the recruitment difficulties of major companies and addressing these issues is therefore an important issue to employers and employees. This is especially true when trying to ensure the return and retention of skilled and qualified workers).
  • Sponsor plaques on floral displays, planters or other elements of the three campaigns (dependant on donation).
  • Being linked to a community based, nationally recognised and highly successful campaign.
  • Inclusion of YOUR logo on all publicity material including banners, posters, flyers and campaign portfolios (dependant on donation).
  • Media releases to written press/radio and television to include detail of major sponsors where possible.
  • Listing in the In Bloom roll of honour published in the Grimsby Telegraph/Cleethorpes Chronicle and In Bloom literature.
  • Certificate of thanks and an invitation to our annual awards presentation publicity event, major sponsors will also have a photograph of the donation and coverage in the Grimsby Telegraph/Cleethorpes Chronicle.

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